Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Big Hand, Part 2

Be sure to read Part 1 before you read this entry, because it sets up this conclusion.

With a pair of Kings and Ten/Queen/Queen/Four on the board, my opponent bet $60 into a pot of a little over $100.  Action was on me to call, raise, or fold.

I called the bet.

The river brought the Ace of Hearts.  If he had been sticking around with Ace-Any, or with King/Jack (less likely), he hit his hand.  I checked.

My opponent checked behind me!

For the showdown, I showed my pocket Kings.  He showed pocket Nines and I won a big pot!

I was very surprised at this play, but he must have thought I was trying to defend my blinds with nothing or something I guess.  Well, okay, I don’t really know what he was thinking … but he nearly muscled me out of the pot.

All in all, an interesting hand I would say!

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